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Dr. Thomas Heverin to Present Research Poster

Computer Science and Engineering Teacher Dr. Thomas Heverin will be presenting a research poster at The University of Pennsylvania Wharton School's "AI and the Future of Work" 2024 Conference this week. Dr. Heverin’s exploratory research shows how artificial intelligence (AI) enabled Baldwin students to use more intuitive decision-making strategies and to contribute to expert decision making in cybersecurity. The study found that using AI in cybersecurity education allowed novice students to make expert-level judgments. Students were able to identify vulnerabilities in IoT devices, report their findings to target organizations and even receive a 100% response rate from the organizations. Cybersecurity experts also praised the reports, authored by students with AI assistance, for providing actionable insights and recommendations. Overall, the study suggests that AI can be a valuable tool for improving cybersecurity education. See his poster here.