
Grade 4 Explores Passion Projects

As part of their Wyss Interdisciplinary Incubator (i2) project for this year, Baldwin’s Grade 4 students embarked on independent study with an emphasis on their own voice and choice. Students used what they have learned throughout the year about inquiry questions and research to develop and answer their own inquiry. They brainstormed what a passion is and discussed how passions should excite, challenge and motivate. Students then decided on their own Passion Project – the topic they were the most excited and curious about.
It was then time to create a list of burning questions they had about their passion and start the research. Using a variety of sources to find ways to answer their questions, including interviewing others who shared their passions, the students collected their findings on notecards and determined the best way to present their information. Grade 4’s creativity then took over as they determined “how can I best teach others about this topic and showcase it?” Students then practiced their presentations to build their confidence, working individually and in groups to offer advice, positive feedback or suggestions. Students brought their final products to life through writing, technology, and visual and performing arts!
Passions and inquiry questions that were showcased included:
  • How has basketball evolved?
  • How have cooking ingredients developed?
  • How can certain products affect your skin?
  • What would happen if Earth had zero gravity?
  • How has music evolved through history?
  • Can everyone get access to cancer screenings?
  • How did humans develop vocal languages but other animals didn’t?
Grade 4’s Passion Project was entirely student-driven. They were creators and integrated life skills such as planning, decision-making, time management and persistence.